Holy God, mighty and immortal, you are beyond our knowing, yet we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ, whose compassion illumines the world.
All: Eternal God, you revealed to the disciples the everlasting glory of Jesus Christ.
Transform us into the likeness of the love of Christ, who renewed our humanity so that we may share in his divinity, the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who live and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit.
All: Grant us, who have not seen and yet believe, the gift of your Holy Spirit, that we may boldly live the gospel and shine with your transforming glory, as people changed and changing through the redeeming presence of our Saviour. Amen.
READING: Jeremiah 17:5-10 & Romans 1:18-23
O God, as your Son drew apart to be in prayer with you, we offer our prayers for the transformation of the world and the church.
All: We ask you from our hearts to give us your peace. Grant that nothing may take your peace from us, and protect us from all that is evil.
May we be faithful on all our ways, looking to the great promise you have given each one of us.
All: Keep us under your protection, as you have always done. We praise and thank you for all that comes to our hearts from you, making us full of trust and certain of your further help.
In receiving our prayers, reveal the glory and presence of your Spirit alive in the world today, free us from all doubts, and empower us to act as a transfigured people. Following in the way of Jesus, Who taught us to pray.…LORD’S PRAYER